TDA1554, TA8225, HA13118, TA7240AP Sereo Audio Bridge Amplifier Circuits

If you see in the Audio car amplifier system or 12V mini amplifier for your room.  I have collected 3 circuits that use IC single chip. They include TDA1554, TA822, HA13118 and TA7240AP.

How use TDA1554, TA8225, HA13118 bridge amplifier circuit

It’s a pity If you have these ICs in your hand but haven’t tried using them. Or you are repairing an old car stereo, may use these ICS

Note: These ICs may be too big for your work. I recommend that if you want a Mini audio amplifier chip, choose an LM386 audio amplifier. Sure, it’s easy to buy.


The TDA1554 amplifier circuit can be used to stereo amplifier 22W and 4 Channel Home audio  11 watts using 11-15V power supply voltage  below we have 2 circuits

4 x 11 W single-ended or 2 x 22 W power  amplifier

Basic Datasheet

The TDA1554Q contains four amplifiers with differene input (two inverting and two non-inverting). And
We can use it single(four amplifier) or bridge Mode.

The gain of each amplifier is fixed at 20 dB (26 dB in BTL).

A special feature of this device is:
Mute/standby switch
• low stand-by current (< 100 µA)
• low mute/stand-by switching current (low-cost supply switch)
• mute facility

Pins list 
1 NINV1 non-inverting input 1
2 INV1 inverting input 1
3 GND ground (signal)
4 RR supply voltage ripple rejection
5 VP1 positive supply voltage 1
6 OUT1 output 1
7 GND1 power ground 1 (substrate)
8 OUT2 output 2
9 n.c. not connected
10 OUT3 output 3
11 GND2 power ground 2 (substrate)
12 OUT4 output 4
13 VP2 positive supply voltage 2
14 M/SS mute/stand-by switch
15 n.c. not connected
16 INV2 inverting input 2
17 NINV2 non-inverting input 2

 Basic block diagram inside TDA1554 Amplifier

See below it is basic block diagram inside circuit.

Then look at the circuit real using below.

4 Channel Home Audio Amplifier 11 watt using TDA1554

This amplifier circuit is easy to build. Just use a single IC, but it has 4 channels, 11 watts per channel.

Which it is Philip TDA1554 number. It is suitable for listening at home or in any vehicle.

Just use the power supply 12-15 volt or will be used to increase any home theater sound system.

In first 2-channel amplifier is front speakers. And 2 channel back can be surround sound speakers, too.

How it works

See the circuit diagram below.

4 Channel Home Audio Amplifier 11 watt using IC TDA1554

4 Channel Home Audio Amplifier 11 watt using IC TDA1554

This circuit requires a power supply, 12 volts to 18 volts at Power consumption at 5A.

It has 4 inputs, pins 1, 2, 17, and 16. They are divided into 2 channels non-inverting (Pin 1, 17) and 2 channels inverting inputs (pins 2, 16).

Which we can pick usage as want the output as in-phase or out-of-phase.

The output will be 4 channels on pin 6, 8, 12, and 10. And, C7 through C10 serves to increase the low-frequency stability better before going to the speaker.

The switch S1 is the mute button. By pressing S1 will be closed sound system circuit in Mute mode. But if Release the switch S1 standby ready to work.

The C5 and C6 will filter light to smooth out and eliminate interference.

Stereo amplifier 22 watts using TDA1554

This circuit has a moderate wattage, 22 watts + 22 watts. It is perfect for listening at home or in any car.

Also, it is a simple circuit, Use small pieces of equipment.

And more importantly, it uses only one IC, TDA1554Q. Inside it has a short-circuit protection circuit with the output.

How it works

See in the circuit. Here is the principle of the circuit.

22W+22W Stereo Power Amplifier with Single Chip IC using TDA1554

22W+22W Stereo Power Amplifier with Single Chip TDA1554

The circuit will receive an input signal on each channel through C1 and C2. They will be signal coupling or filter a just AC signal only.

And the left channel input signal works the same as the right channel.

So, I explained just left alone.

The signal via from C1 to the pin1 and pin 2 of IC1.

Which the pin1 is position of non-inverter input. It will amplify the signal in no reverse phase to output pin 6.

And, pin 2 is inverting input in reverse phase to output pin 8.

Which it will be seen that both outputs pin 6 and Pin 8 are phase signals the opposite. So it will provide power increases itself.

Power consumption in use max up about 5 A at 12V. The speaker will be a 4-ohm speaker. So the power of sound is 22 watts.

But if you use any 8-ohms speaker. The power is lower.

While the circuit works. The IC will generate heat up. So, you should enough heatsink.


TA8225 BTL Amplifiers circuit

Datasheet Pinout

TA8225’s PCB. But I not have it. Thus I search on internet. The TA8225 is BTL audio power amplifier for consumer application. It is designed for 45W high power, low distortion, and low noise. It contains various kinds of protectors and the function of stand by SW.

The circuit diagram of TA8225 ICs

The circuit diagram of TA8225

You may like to learn these circuits too.

In addition, the functions of output short or overvoltage detection and junction temperature are involved.


  • Operating supply voltage: VCC = 9~18V
  • High power output 45W at VCC=14.4V,F=1KHz,THD=10%,RL = 2 ohms)
  • Low distortion ratio : THD = 0.015%(typ) VCC = 13.2V,f=1kHz,Pout = 4W,RL=4 ohms.
  • Built-in stand by function with pin(1) set at high, power is turned on)
  • Built-in output short or over-voltage, detection circuit, output to VCC, and output to GND short. (Pin(8): Open collector)
  • Built-in junction temperature detection circuit. (Pin(2): Open collector)
  • Built-in various protection circuits :
    • Thermal shut down, Overvoltage
    • Output to GND short
    • The Output VCC short
    • The Output to Output short.
Pins operation of TA8225

Pins operation of TA8225

Here are a few related circuits you may find helpful, too:



18 W BTL Audio Power Amplifier

If you are looking for a nice amplifier for your private room. There are a lot of choices for you. A transistor is good, but the IC also well. Today I suggest you try to test HA13118. It is 18 W BTL Audio Power Amplifier for Hitachi. I like the AC motor for Hitachi. It is very durable. Good quality, even a brand from Japan. Of course, an audio IC is the same.

Why should use it

The HA13118 is a class AB amplifier integrated circuit. Hitachi designs them for component car stereo amplifiers. At the power supply voltage of 13.2V and 4 Ω load speaker.

Package of HA13118 BTL amplifier

This power IC provides an output power of 18W with 10% distortion. In general, we use it in the bridge amplifier in a car. They have basic features as follows.

  • You can use it anywhere. Because It requires a wide voltage supply of 8V to 18V in single voltage. At the current of 1A to 2A.
  • Output current Io (peak) 4 A
  • Power dissipation PT 15 W
  • But max voltage is 26V
  • Typical gain rates up to 55 dB.
  • Less than 0.2% distortion at 1W
  • Response frequencies from 30 Hz-30 kHz.
  • Operating temperature  –30 to +80 °C
  • Small outline package, easy to mount
  • Internal each protection circuits
    • Surge protection circuit
    • Thermal shut-down circuit
    • The ground fault protection circuit
    • Power supply fault protection circuit

Read more datasheet

How does it work

HA13118 18W Bridge Amplifier circuit

See in the circuit above.

Enter a power supply circuit, 12V. And then, enter an audio signal into the input. The signal flows through VR1. To adjust the level of the audio signal. Next, the C1 passeses the coupling signal to the input of IC1. And, the C2 eliminate the noises. After that, the audio signal gets into pin 3 of IC1. This is a bridge amplifier form(BTL). If you love Car amplifier circuit. You always see the BTL amplifier. Because it gives high power in the same voltage. See circuit inside the IC has Left and right channel. We connect both amplifiers together. To increase more power wattage. We can observe from the pin 15(left channel) connects one wire of the speaker. And pin 8(right channel) connects to another wire of the same speaker. Which the C7 and C8 will feedback a signal to be frequency response better. And, The C9, C10, R1, and R2 will reduce the noise signal. We hear a lower annoying hum in the background of power amplifiers. Because we add C11 and C12. If you increase C12-2200uF electrolytic more. It will reduce the ripple voltage of the voltage power supply.

Parts you will need

IC1: HA13118 18 W BTL Audio Power Amplifier
R1, R2: 2.2ohms 0.25W resistor
VR1: Potentiometer 10K

Electrolytic capacitor

C1: 2.2uF 50V
C3, C4, C6, C7, C8: 100uF 25V
C5: 10uF 50V
C12: 2,200uF 25V

Ceramic capacitors
C2: 100pF 50V
C9, C10, C11: 0.1uF 50V
Speaker 4 to 8 ohms

Power supply 8V to 18V at 2A.

TA7240AP Circuit – 19 watts stereo integrated amplifier

We is used to suggest a small integrated amplifier or the power amplifier with tone control circuit Were combined on the same PCB are 20watt Integrated Amplifier by TDA2005, but them is Mono.
Today we see the 19W stereo integrated amplifier IC-TA7240AP, ideal for small rooms Or use the car because the power supply only 12 volts.

And the compact, buttons are placed on the PCB., To increase a convenient way to build. No wiring, you just have to connect speakers, Enter the signals Ready to listen immediately.

Special feature

-Power amplifier types : bridge amplifiers
-Output Power : 19 watts/channel at load 4 ohms 12volts.
-Wide supply voltage range: 9V to 18V.
-Supply current: over 1.5 amperes
– Total Harmonic Distortion Noise(THD): 1% at 15 watts and 10% at 19 watts
-Noise signal : lower than 0.14 mV
-The protection system : Thermal shutdown, over high voltage and short output.
-Boost up rate of tone control : + 20dB

The working principle of circuit

In figure 1 Because of the two-channel circuit same, therefore, draw only one channel. The numbers in the parentheses of IC1, is pin position in the circuit,other one channel.

In figure 1 Because of the two-channel circuit same, therefore, draw only one channel. The numbers in the parentheses of IC1, is pin position in the circuit,other one channel.

19W Stereo Amplifier circuit using TA7240ap

Figure 1 the 19W Stereo amplifier circuit using TA7240AP

The working of circuit are separated as 2 sector :
A firstly is IC1 as a tone control circuit and second sector is IC2 as the power amplifier.

In the tone control circuit, a signal flow to input through volume-VR1, which is adjuster a sound level as you need.

They are C1, C2, SW1 and R1 as a loudness circuit, to boost up level sound to high and low frequencies.

While open low sound,if VR1 is turned up about halfway, the loudness circuit will do not works. When signal through VR1 and VR2 that adjusted level sound between left and right channel to balance are : the loudness button.

The other way will be fed to the tone control circuit to adjust bass-treble sound level by: VR3 is adjusted as bass button and VR4 is adjusted as treble button.

The boost cut rate of circuit is approximately + 20dB then this signal will be entered to pin 2 through IC1 amplify to pin 1.

The some signal will be fed back to R5 and C7 to control level of the bass-treble sound.

The R6, R7 and C8 act as a reference voltage in to pin 3 of IC1 to the op-amp IC1 use with positive and negative voltage.

Which normally IC1 always required the positive, negative and ground power supply.

The signal is adjusted output pin 1 of IC1 through C11,act as the coupling signal in to the power amplifier sector. By in to C12, R8 and R9 are used to set amplitude of signal from the tone control sector that proper feed to the power amplifier sector.

IC2 is the amplifier section, internally consists of two in one amplifier , each set will have power output of 5.8 watts per channel, then when we take them to bridge together so cause higher power up into 19 watts per channel.

Since we set this both amplifier that 180-degree phase difference the output to directly speaker. So signal is boost up signal rise.
– C13 is filter to protects internal IC voltage or the Ripple Filter.
– The C14, R11 And C16, R12 are the negative feedback.

– C18 and C21 act as boost tap to add amplify gain of IC1 rise.
– C17, C19 and C20 acts as protection oscillate in high frequency.
– R13 and R14 are determined the gain of IC1.
– C10, C22,R10 are filter of the power supply to smooth.


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5 thoughts on “TDA1554, TA8225, HA13118, TA7240AP Sereo Audio Bridge Amplifier Circuits”

  1. What type of switch(push or normal) should I use in the tda1554 circuit and also can I use 10watts 4ohm speaker to the tda1554q amplifier circuit?

    • Hello Kishok,

      Thanks for your question. I like it.

      In truth, I have never built it. But I believe you can do it.
      I think you are a person who likes to learn new things.

      As its symbolism, it is probably the most common normal on/off type.

      And yes you can use 10 watts 8 ohms speaker.
      In 4 Channel Home Audio Amplifier 11 watt using TDA1554.
      It is an OTL amplifier mode. It’s pretty safe for regular speakers.

      If you have comments or other questions. Please let me know. We can share.



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