Simple 2 Lamp flasher circuit using MOSFET

I like a Simple 2 Lamp flasher circuit using MOSFET. Also, it is Astable Multivibrator. When you want a high power lamp flasher. This is a better choice for you. Why!

We made a Simple flashing light by transistor BC548. It is an easy circuit for LED display. But when you need to use high watts light bulbs or lamps. It will be extremely tricky.

2 Lamp flasher using mosfet

Figure 1 the circuit diagram of 2 Lamp flasher using Mosfet

As this circuit—Super 12v light flasher circuit, you need to add both transistors to increase current to load. It really is tricky.

Today I recommend the 2 lamp flasher circuit using mosfet. I use IRF540 number. So they can drive lamps up to 10A or 100 watts.

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I compare the prices between MOSFET and power transistor. It’s more expensive than regular transistors. Is it worth that we use it?

As Figure 1, We use fewer parts only 6 pcs. It has a principle like transistors

and controls also flashing or frequency with calculating: T = 0.7 RC

I want both flashing to be same times, so use R1=R2 and C1=C2

I test the various parts, It can set times as follows:

0.5 S : R = 470K ; C = 1uF
1 S : R = 470K ; C = 3.3 uF
2 S : R = 470K ; C = 4.7 uF
3 S : R = 470K ; C = 10 uF

Please test them again, it may not be the same as me.

This circuit worked certainly. Watch video below.

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3 thoughts on “Simple 2 Lamp flasher circuit using MOSFET”

  1. Can you please show a picture where the components are mounted on the bread board (not working) it’s a bit difficult to see in the video.


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