Four Lamp flasher circuit using transistors

If you want one A lamp flasher circuit using transistors that flashing for general to use. I have many ways, But today you see this three of the lamp flasher circuits. Which it has highlights is there are two types of transistor are NPN and PNP. It can work as well as the use of IC-555 or other transistor circuits. It can work as well as the use of IC-555 or other transistor circuits. In order not to waste time , come to view and join these circuit.

Lamp flasher circuit using transistors

Lamp Flasher Current 1A

Lamp Flasher Current 1A

We come to see Lamp Flasher Current 1A that apply to supply Voltage 12V. Which power Transistor of NS number LM195 fixed work and don’t work 1 time per second. For do Light Flasher give with Lamp 12V 1A. Grasping very trend sizes in or Limit Current in of LM195 protect Current at excellent tall size. In between the situation works because of Lamp while the cold. You can pull high Current arrive at 8 times of usual something. The Limit Current this help give age of Lamp in Flasher get with although. The circuit will see old go to small. But may advantage with friends get ? please sir.

Lamp Flasher circuit using 2N2907 Bipolar Transistor

Lamp Flasher circuit using 2N2907 Bipolar Transistor

I has evered to play the leading role Lamp Flasher Circuit with the integrated circuit. Which be the circuit that is simple but at this time a friend someone complain to come to that want the circuit that use the transistor. I then lead this circuit has come to in rows think to you. By use Bipolar Transistor 2 pcs amounts only. The Lamp flasher about 1S control the rate something flasher get with R1. For Lamp or L1 give small-sized 6V 3W. Other detail friends see in the circuit adds please sir.

Read also: DIY Flashing Bicycle LED Taillight Circuit

Lamp 6 volt flashing circuit using two transistor

Lamp 6 volt flashing circuit using two

This be Lamp Flasher again model apply to Lamp small-sized 6 Volt, by use the principle Amplifier Circuit that use transistor 2 pcs. By have regenerative feedback send pulse of current 60 mS. Which there is tall size arrives at many amp change low voltage lamp. For brightness rate of something flasher , The tall , by don’t go to destroy , Power Lamp the detail is other , see in the circuit adds.

This circuit requires enough power supply. Do you have this one? If you do not have it. Look:A lot of Power supply circuit

Lamp flashing alarm automatic

Lamp 6 volt flashing circuit using two transistor

The Lamp flashing circuit is basic flasher 6V that low current and small size. which we use the transistors are 2 pcs ,is NPN 2N3904 and PNP-2N3906 types, by they have Regenerative feedback send pulse of current 60mS. Which there is tall size arrives at many Amp change low volt lamp for brightness rate of winking many by don’t go to destroy lamp.
Note, you can use the other transistor number example is the NPN type BC548 or 2SC828 and the PNP type BC558 or 2SA1015 that you should see in the datasheet before.


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3 thoughts on “Four Lamp flasher circuit using transistors”

  1. Dear sir
    I m making
    12 volt flasher for Tvs Jupiter .I want all blinker together blink. Using in my circut tat 122
    Bc 558
    Resistance 1k5 2 pc
    Resistance 1k
    Capitor 220uf 25 volt
    Capitor 22uf 25 volt
    But this circut blink fast
    Where is problem in my circuit


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