5V 5A, 8A Power supply circuits

These are 5V 5A Power supply circuits. For your Digital circuit, Microcontroller, Arduino UNO board, Raspberry pi, and more.

They have low noise. Because of the linear circuit.And parts used in these circuits are easily available in most of the local markets.

Although, they are the ancient circuits. But also a good performance.

If you have these devices. Create it better than buying a new one.

Linear Power supply 5V 5A using 7812, LM723

It is a good power supply circuit than IC 7805 + MJ2955 ( regulator 5V 5A ).

Use IC 7812 and LM723 regulator IC, transistor TIP142 for boost current to 8A max.

P1 for Control Volt output 2.5-7V, Transformer 10A min.

Detail other see in the circuit.

2V-7V, 6A-8A Linear Regulator using LM723

When you need a power supply often missed the 3 legs Regulator ICs. But some jobs that apply a high current over 1 Ampere up there, is very difficult. Even if it is 5 amp and 10 amp, but the price is quite high.

How it works

See the circuit and PCB below!

This project is designed with the concept of the modular regular circuit is using the output.

Which is composed of two or more transistors, to current as shown in the circuit.

And a control section is not sensitive to noise, which we would have to use IC-723.

Although the present maybe perhaps was overshadowed with the 3-pin regulator IC.

However, with good characteristics, it makes us choose to use it for Supply output voltage from 2 to 7 volts.

The voltage to provide IC1-LM723 get from the increasing the voltage and then filtered to smooth.

Then, through the control of the voltage regulator using 3-pin. This method Is good for power transistors.

Because we make the output voltage and the before into transistor voltage, both difference as little as possible.

Without prejudice to the power supply voltage of the IC.

Here is the step-by-step process.

  • While running two transistors T2 and T2 may be hot we should hold the adequate heat sink
  • All resistors R4 to R6 should use many to parallel to the desired value to average Power Dissipation down.
  • Resistors: R4 and R5 use 0.33 ohm 5 watt are 2 pcs.
  • And resistor R6, we use 0.22 ohm 5 watt is 2 pcs at the output current on 6 Ampere or 0.33 ohm 5 watt is 2 pcs at current 8 amperes.

How to build

Putting, you should be the free spacing of each resistor and the PCB to Cooling.

The 5v 5A power supply circuit has an output voltage that can adjust up to 14V.

Which must be changed a few parts following:

  • The transformer, resistor R1, R2 and capacitor C5, C6.
  • But do not use the boost up voltage (C1, C2, D1, D2).
  • The anode of D3 connects to the rectifier and filter circuits.
  • Note to TIP142 is although it looks like the common transistor. But within there is structure Darlington Compound. So cannot replace with the normal power transistors.

The electronic parts
Resistors 1/4W +/-5%
R1, R2: 3.3K
R3: 100 ohms 1W
R4, R5: 0.15 ohms 5W
R6: 0.1 ohms 10W
P1: 5 K POT
C1, C2: 470uF 50V
C3: 220uF 50V
C4: 1uF 16V
C5, C6: 10,000uF 25V
C7: 10uF 16V
C8: 470pF 50V  Ceramic
Semiconductor devices.
BD1 = Diode bridge 10A 50V
D1-D3 = 1N4001 Diodes
T1 = BD139, midterm power transistor
T2, T3 = TIP142, (Darlington Compound)
IC1 = IC-7812- Fixed voltage Regulator IC DC12V
IC2 = LM723 Adjustable voltage regulator
Tr = Toroid transformer 10V 10A
S1 = switch on/off 2 set.

Testing and apply

In the testing we use the resistor 0.68 ohm to output, then adjust voltage as 5.5 Volt (there is current 8 Amp) The results showed that the voltage drop across the 5.32 volt. Show that the drop to 3.3 percent to 7.8 amperes and measure ripple voltage less than 25 mV (RMS).

7805 + Mj2955 power supply 5V 5A for digital circuit

This is a circuit dc regulator power supply 5V at the current 5A, I used it for my digital products. The main part electronics is IC-7805 regulator and MJ2955 transistor.

You must use the 9VAC 5A transformer.

Circuit diagram of power supply 5V 5A by 7805+Mj2955

Circuit diagram of power supply 5V 5A by 7805+Mj2955

PCB Power supply 5V 5A by 7805+Mj2955

PCB Power supply 5V 5A by 7805 and Mj2955

We recommend 5V 5A switching regulator is also easy circuit


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4 thoughts on “5V 5A, 8A Power supply circuits”

  1. I have a question?i want to know for this (ic voltage regulator-BLO 5A PNIHC-8 pins) because i need it for designing programming circuit.
    If you have any details for it try to send it to me.


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